The Christmas film “Love Hard,” featuring Jimmy O. Yang in the role of a catfish dating app, is Netflix’s biggest surprise

Ricky Head

Ricky Head

Ricky Head is Editor in Chief and Publisher of HEADMeDIANOW. He brings over 20 years of experience as a columnist, reporter, and photo journalist. In addition to concert coverage, he is a Content Creator, Writer, Photographer, and Videographer based in Seattle, Washington, and he photographs hundreds of concerts, festivals, and events each year. He takes pride in providing rich, high-quality images at a rapid pace. Due to a well-tuned workflow and the use of new technology, most events covered are represented on social media while the event is still taking place by the outlets and artists with whom he collaborates.

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2 Responses

  1. Avatar Cindy Tran says:

    This film is extremely unsettling to watch. You do realize this is just a movie, don’t you? It’s not true. In reality, white women do not date Asian men, particularly ugly Chinese men. It’s not a particularly romantic film.

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